Chief Destiny Officer
Creating an iconic character who personifies the dangers of leaving business decisions up to destiny
60% of executives don’t trust the data they work with. 78% of executives struggle to make data-driven decisions.
Talend is pioneering the field of data health in pursuit of its mission to make data useful for all organizations.
Enter Cosmo, Chief Destiny Officer. Personifying the uncertain reality of decision making and introducing a better way—Talend.​​​​​​​
Crystal Ball
Magic 8 Ball
Paid Digital executions featuring the Chief Destiny Officer, Cosmo.
Outcomes within 30 days
Along with notable results for the brand, the Chief Destiny Officer will return.
190% increase
in new leads generated from the launch of the campaign

32% increase
in web traffic from the launch of campaign

> 1mm
Number of organic impressions in first 2 weeks of campaign launch

Work done with ThreeSixtyEight
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